Tuesday 27 March 2012

Check your interest rates on your savings!

It is easy to assume that if you are putting your savings into an ISA then you are getting the best interest rate you can BUT it is always worth checking to see if 1) your ISA is the best rate and 2) there is not another saving account paying better interest.
This year we have swapped to an online ISA (giving us 1% more ) but I have found that I can get a 12 month deal (as a new customer) with ING that gets me 3.03% - that's 0.78% more than my online ISA.  True after this the rate is pants but I can use next years ISA allowance at the end of next March if another deal does not present itself!
So, is it difficult to compare all these savings accounts - nope; moneysupermarket.com is free and presents the info in tabular form for ease of use.  Click here to go to the savings part of the site and check how many other pennies you could be getting on your hard earned savings.

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