Tuesday 27 July 2021

Need help managing money and dealing with debt- new website Moneyhelper

Here in the UK and probably round the world a significant proportion of the population has struggled with money over the last year.  We have people who have lost their jobs because the business has folded, been on furlough with a reduced salary for months on end (me!), been made redundant as businesses have had to slim down, or lost part of a family income because of a COVID death to name a few.  Meanwhile being bored at home has meant more online spending as a trend.  
As part of the recovery for the economy from what has been a year when the borrowing the government has had to do is the highest since WW2 the government (the money and pensions service) has launched a new website called Money helper. The idea is that it is a one stop shop for advice for savings, pensions, benefits, debt management, and everyday spending and taking control of your money here in the UK and there are advisors online to talk to live, and all of this for FREE.  If you are struggling don't wait for it to get really bad before taking control of the situation; and if you are about to transition to another milestone in life (new baby, retirement etc) find out the pitfalls that are waiting for you- it is worth a look.

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