Trying to find recipes that are a one size fits all is difficult as so much depends on personal circumstances. You Tube especially is rife with videos claiming to do a full week for x pounds and then you discover it is only 5 meals for 2 adults with no drinks/snacks/lunches/breakfasts etc (nope not going to say who...) or the videos are so old that the inflation rises have not been factored in. Or there are those people who have a large family so can bring the price down per head by buying the large economy packs which are less per 100 g than the standard sizes. Not everyone has access to the same supermarkets so pricing can be widely variable across the UK and across the globe - that being said here are some lovely ladies who recently put out their own collab videos to try and give people ideas and I have found their claims to be far more realistic than most. Hope you find some ideas to spark your own recipes. Enjoy!